Steps Toward Re-Opening St. Michael the Archangel

In order to re-open, MANY VOLUNTEERS are needed during and after Mass to assist — without these volunteers, we CAN NOT reopen.

Please Download and Fill Out This Health Certification Form Before Coming To Mass:

May the peace of Christ be with you!

The staff at St. Michael’s are working on a wide-ranging plan to allow the parish to reopen for public Masses this weekend, June 20 & 21.  

The process is complicated and the protocols are many and it has become crystal clear that we will need many volunteers (over age 18) to help out during and after Masses in order to be able to reopen.

In order to ensure that all of the safety precautions are satisfied (from the Diocese, New York State and the US Centers For Disease Control and Prevention), we need to limit seating capacity in accordance with Governor Cuomo’s directive of June 6 at 25% of capacity (at least at the beginning) and clean the church sanctuary between Masses.

I really need your help!

The seating capacity will be limited to about 70 people or fewer (according to state distancing guidelines), and at least four or more volunteer ushers/cleaners per Mass are needed to ensure safety and proper crowd flow, according to the safety protocols.

Additionally, we will need several volunteers to help sanitize and disinfect the church (all materials will be provided) after each Mass, according to CDC guidelines. We expect it will take a team of six volunteers no more than 30 minutes after Mass each Saturday and Sunday. We will also need volunteers to help clean and disinfect after weekday Masses.

We are working out the details on a required “registration” system for all Mass attendees — which the state is requiring in order to allow for contact tracing in case someone unknowingly is exposed in Church. The system will allow us to contact everyone at that particular Mass to alert them.

Last, but most important, when we do reopen everyone in attendance will be required to wear a mask that covers his or her nose and mouth. If someone arrives for Mass without a mask, we will have a limited supply for people but we request that you bring your own.

It’s quite a lot to take in.  Please understand that this note is also a plea for your help.

I would really appreciate it if you could help volunteer at your regular Mass that you usually attend and help during this transition!

If you would like to help or if you have any questions please contact the rectory (518-792-5859) or email with your name, phone number, email and Mass time preference.

I hope that you are all safe, healthy, and doing well — and we look forward to seeing you once again inside the Church building!

Thank you too for your ongoing support of our parish with your financial gifts as you are able.   It helps greatly.    God bless.

You can see Father Tony’s comments at Mass on June 13 below.

To see a Livestream of Mass each Sunday, click here:

Please note the following parish cancellations are still in effect at St. Michael’s until further notice:

  • All public Masses (daily Masses & weekend Masses)
  • Stations of the Cross
  • Faith Formation Classes
  • RCIA
  • Confessions on Saturday afternoon
  • All penance services
  • All music rehearsals
  • Knights of Columbus meetings
  • Rosary Altar Society meetings
  • Friday devotions (Stations of the Cross, Adoration & Rosary)
  • All non-parish activities, groups, meetings, etc.

Funerals will go on as scheduled but are limited to immediate family only.

As we get more information and as things change we will keep you updated.

For His assistance and protection, we pray:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

You can find resources — daily Scripture readings, Mass online, the Pope’s messages and Masses — at the diocesan resource page:

For the latest information visit the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s page at — and see the latest Diocesan pronouncements at