Parish Organizations and Programs
Eucharistic Ministers at Glens Falls Hospital
Eucharistic Ministers are always needed at Glens Falls Hospital. Contact Sister Donna Irvine, (518) 926-3532, if you can help with this ministry.
Faith Formation Program
See our Faith Formation page or contact Jim Gorman for any questions concerning Faith Formation: 518-792-5859 EXT 15
Children’s Sunday Bulletin
Note To Parents of Children ages 3 to 12: Children’s bulletins are available at church entrances for children ages 3 to 6 and 7 to 12. Activities included in each bulletin relate to the particular weekend Gospel. There is no charge for the bulletin.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry is a group which looks to include teens and young adults more fully into the life of the Parish at St. Michael’s. Some of the plans for Youth Ministry include service, social, The Word, evangelization, education, and community-building. Any teen (and his/her parents) is very welcome to participation in our youth programs.
Altar Rosary Society
The Altar Rosary Society of St. Michael’s Church invites all women of the parish to join this very active service organization. The Society meets the last Monday of each month (except December, January and February) at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. For details regarding membership, contact President Joanne Schaefer, (518) 793-2077.
Knights of Columbus
COUNCIL 11160, REV. ROBERT A NUGENT COUNCIL St. Michael’s Knights of Columbus meet the fourth Wednesday of each month (except for November & December – check bulletin for alternate date) at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. The Knights invite all men of the parish to think about joining their organization. Application forms are available on the tables by the entrances to church. Contact Robert Rugar, Grand Knight at (518) 793-2391 for details or more information.
Members of St. Michael’s Knights of Columbus invite all of our parishioners to recite the Rosary the 4th Wednesday of each month (except November & December) at 6:30 PM, in church.